8 best natural anti-inflammatories for dogs

Dogs have a complex body that shares heavy similarities with the human body- both at the physiological and anatomical level. So they are also susceptible to various diseases and conditions that affect man- one of those is inflammation.


Although inflammatory processes are diseases, neither is it a serious condition on its own, still, it can be produced from various pathologies. This is more reason why veterinary supervision is needed. However, we will show you the best natural anti-inflammatories for dogs that you can use at home.

Common symptoms of an inflammatory process

If your dog suffers inflammation, you will notice the following:

  • Pain: your dog becomes restless when in pain from inflammation, and this can cause changes in behavior or appetite.
  • Reddening: The site of inflammation will become redder, especially when the inflammation is accompanied by skin conditions.
  • Heat: The inflamed area has a higher temperature which is noticed by touching.
  • Tumor: The tissues around the site of inflammation can swell, and this is detectable by physical examination.

Just like we said earlier, inflammation is generally not a serious condition, but it is important that you consult your vet doctor. This is because the inflammation may be caused by a condition that you need to tackle in time before it becomes complicated. A good example is the early stages of canine osteoarthritis.

However, be careful not to administer anti-inflammatories that are designed for humans to your dog. Instead, after detecting the underlying cause of the inflammation, you can use natural anti-inflammatories for dogs to effectively treat them. This helps to prevent the typical side-effects commonly associated with some chemical drugs used for treating inflammation.

Best Natural Anti-inflammatories for Dogs

There are lots of natural anti-inflammatories and it can be hard making your choice from the wide list of available options. But we’ve made it simple by listing the best natural anti-inflammatories that you can use for your dog. They are all safe and easy to administer to your canine friend.

Check them out below:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric is a root belonging to the ginger family. It is a culinary spice that is filled with lots of medicinal properties including its anti-inflammatory action. It has been used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat arthritis and other forms of pain.

The dosage of turmeric for dog lies between 15 and 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight, and you can add it to your dog’s food. But note that your dog will absorb the turmeric better when you add some fat and black pepper to the diet.

However, it is best to but the organic turmeric as it usually contains a high amount of the active ingredient curcumin, which gives the anti-inflammatory effect.

Do not buy the grocery store or cooking turmeric, and avoid using it near light-colored clothing or carpeting because turmeric can stain anything it touches bright yellow.


2. Yucca

The root of this desert plant has many medicinal properties, and trials have shown that it has lots of health benefits for animals, including dogs. It primarily contains steroidal saponins, which works great to provide relief from inflammation and joint pain in dogs.

Many holistic vets claim that yucca has a 50-80% success rate in treating osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is best to use products recommended for dogs and administer in small doses over a short period. This is because yucca can irritate the digestive system and sometimes cause vomiting. So you can avoid this by giving your dog a two day break every week.

3. Fish oil

Fish oil is one of the best natural inflammatories for dogs due to its high concentration of omega-3 fats. These fats are well-known to help with inflammation, making them one of the top choices to tackling chronic inflammatory diseases like arthritis, IBD, and many more.

4. Arnica Montana

This small alpine plant known for its yellow blossoms also works well for treating inflammation. The flower heads can be made into a tincture, tea, or massage oil, and this is effective for relieving the pains of inflammation, sprains, bruises, and arthritis.

However, the oral form of administration works faster. You can dissolve three granules in 5 ml of water, and give your dog twice daily. But make sure you administer this homeopathic remedy separate to your dog’s meals.

5. Glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate

These two natural compounds are commonly used by pet owners to treat inflammation, especially in dogs.

The glucosamine is naturally found in the shells and cartilages of shellfish and is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Chondroitin is also found in cartilages and bones, and they are found in supplements derived from animal cartilage.

These two compounds are very effective in treating arthritis, and they have been shown to relieve inflammation and pains in the joints.

When you add these compounds as supplements in your dog’s diet, it helps to repair and build tissues such as cartilages that work to protect their joints.


6. Cayenne

Cayenne contains an active ingredient called capsaicin, which works to increase circulation to painful areas and sore joints, especially when you apply them topically. More so, the capsaicin works as a nerve block, thereby reducing pain.

You can add this stimulant herb in small amounts to blends to improve their effectiveness. However, some dogs may be sensitive to cayenne, so if it seems to worsen your dog’s arthritis symptoms, try to avoid it completely and also its nightshade cousins like potato, tomato, paprika, eggplant, and other peppers.

7. Ginger

Ginger is widely used for digestive functions, including the relief of nausea and gas. But its ability to ease arthritis pain is often overlooked. The raw ginger root stops the immune system from producing leukotrienes, which are known to cause inflammation.

You can remove the skin of raw ginger root with a paring knife and mince the root. Give your miniature breeds ¼ tsp, your larger dogs, ¾ tsp, and dogs up to 35 lbs ½ tsp. However, the flavor is quite strong, so you can start with a smaller dose until your dog gets used to it.

But remember that ginger can thin the blood, so avoid using it if your dog is going for a surgery or is placed on anticoagulant drugs.

8. Harpogophytum

This is an anti-inflammatory herb that can be used to treat chronic conditions over a long period without causing any harm to your dog. Its main constituent is harpagoside, which can reduce inflammation and decrease pain quickly. This makes it one of the best choices for treating arthritis and muscle pain.

Devil’s Claw, as it is sometimes called, is often sold as a human product. So, you can check the dose for a 150lb person, and adjust it accordingly to suit your dog’s weight.

However, ensure you don’t use it for lactating or pregnant dogs. Also, it can interact with some pharmaceutical drugs like hypertensive or cardiac drugs. So if your dog is on any medication, ensure you consult your vet doctor before using the harpogophytum.


Your dog can suffer inflammation as a sign for some health condition, but using these best natural anti-inflammatories for dogs is a safe way to treat the symptoms. However, ensure you use these natural anti-inflammatories under veterinary supervision, even though they are safe and non-toxic.



Improve your dog's quality of life with these simple tricks which you can implement immediately.